Hank Childs

CIS Department
University of Oregon

Office:301 Deschutes Hall
Phone:+1 (541) 346-3414 (Note: terrible way to get in touch with me)
Fax:+1 (541) 346-5373
Web Page:http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~hank

Bio and Awards Publications Teaching Advising Service Textbooks Calendar CV

Here are some of my favorite work photos.

In front of Riken K, the world's first 10 petaflop machine.
Kobe, Japan.

In front of Diz Paint at CSCS, currently the 8th fastest machine in the world.
Lugano, Switzerland.

In front of the immersive VR setup at RWTH-Aachen. Very impressive facility.
Aachen, Germany.

Mount Pilatus, heading from VMV in Lugano to Kaiserslautern.
Lucerne, Switzerland.

Elephanta Caves, on the way to attending HiPC.
Mumbai, India.

Domesticated deer, afternoon of sightseeing after visiting RIKEN.
Nara, Japan.

After several failed attempts, I finally get to set foot in the Red Sea.
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.