Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael (TAJO)

Graduated with Bachelor of Science
CIS Department
University of Oregon


Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael (TAJO) was with CDUX for the final year of his B.S. degree (in Computer Science and Physics) at UO, from September 2015 to June 2016.

During his time in CDUX, TAJO researched spatial seach structures. This research formed the basis of his undergraduate thesis, titled "Evaluating Spatiotemporal Search Structures for Lagrangian Basis Flows."

After graduation, TAJO joined Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as an intern working with Timo Bremer. He will then enroll in the Ph.D. program at the University of Utah, advised by Mike Kirby.