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Note: we are behind on getting the website updated for 2021. Many good happenings, including 8 publications and 3 Best Paper awards. April 27, 2021
CDUX Presentations at DOECGF 2021
CDUX personnel and alumni made five presentations at the
Department of Energy Computer Graphics Forum (DOECGF),
which was held virtually this week:
April 16, 2021
In Situ Visualization Tutorial at Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting
Hank Childs led a tutorial today at the 2021 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting (ECPAM).
This tutorial was based on successful tutorials offered at ECPAM19 and ECPAM20,
although delivered virtually and shortened to 90 minutes.
Once again,
most of the time was spent presenting on Ascent, with materials
from CDUX alum Matt Larsen and LLNL's Cyrus Harrison.
Terry Turton and David Rogers of LANL delivered 25 minutes on Cinema,
and Ken Moreland of SNL and Berk Geveci of Kitware gave short
presentations on VTK-m and Catalyst, respectively.
December 17, 2020
Virtual Tutorial on Ascent
Cyrus Harrison, Matt Larsen, and Hank Childs delivered a
virtual tutorial on Ascent today.
The tutorial was organized by the Exascale Computing Project, as one
of the events they offer throughout the year for online learning.
The tutorial is available on YouTube
and its slides are available as well.
November 9, 2020
In Situ Visualization Tutorial at SC20
Hank Childs led a full-day tutorial at SC20 today,
"In Situ Analysis and Visualization with SENSEI and Ascent."
This tutorial repeated the successful tutorial by the same name
and team from SC19.
Once again, the tutorial provided attendees with VirtualBox images and
Jupyter notebook environments so that they could run
real-world examples with both SENSEI and Ascent.
It also provided an overview of the Cinema.
The tutorial had eight total presenters, drawn from their
respective software teams.
September 30, 2020
"In Situ Terminology Project" Is Published
The paper A Terminology for In Situ Visualization and Analysis Systems is now available online and will appear in the November 2020 edition of the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.
This paper was a community effort to establish a terminology for in situ systems.
Quoting the article: "In situ processing, meaning visualizing or analyzing data as it is generated, is an alternative processing paradigm to post hoc. Historically, a number of terms have been used to describe in situ processing and its many variant strategies. However, the community has yet to agree on a consistent taxonomy. Notably, over the last decade, the term 'in situ' has been broadly used to 1) describe a specific strategy for processing data, and 2) as an umbrella term for the entire processing paradigm. This mixed use leads to confusion both for the visualization and analysis community and for its stakeholders." The work also provides a taxonomy of in situ systems, and proposes terminology based on using the taxonomy. The paper had 57 co-authors, who met semi-regularly for several years (at conferences and via phone calls) to refine their ideas. April 28, 2020
CDUX Presentations at DOECGF 2020
CDUX personnel and alumni made five presentations at the
Department of Energy Computer Graphics Forum (DOECGF),
which was held virtually this week:
February 11, 2020
Hank Childs Joins TVCG Editorial Board as Associate Editor
Hank Childs has begun a term as an Associate Editor for
the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
His duties will include evaluating submissions by assigning them to reviewers, making a recommendation for publication or rejection based upon the referee reports, and helping solicit submissions to the journal.
February 4, 2020
In Situ Visualization Tutorial at Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting
Hank Childs led a tutorial today at the 2020 Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting (ECPAM).
This tutorial was based on the successful tutorial offered at ECPAM19.
Once again,
two thirds of the time was spent presenting on Ascent, with materials
from CDUX alum Matt Larsen, Hank, and LLNL's Cyrus Harrison.
The remainder of the time was spent describing algorithms being
developed by in situ processing (Hank), VTK-m (Sandia's Ken Moreland),
and Cinema (LANL's Terry Turton).
November 17, 2019
In Situ Visualization Tutorial at SC19
Hank Childs led a full-day tutorial at SC19 today,
"In Situ Analysis and Visualization with SENSEI and Ascent."
The tutorial provided attendees with VirtualBox images and
Jupyter notebook environments so that they could run
real-world examples with both SENSEI and Ascent.
It also provided an overview of
the Cinema and VTK-m projects, as well as
covering recent results for in situ algorithms.
The tutorial had eight total presenters, drawn from their
respective software teams.
October 20, 2019
VTK-m Tutorial at IEEE Visualization Conference
CDUX played a major role in delivering a half-day
tutorial today
at the IEEE Visualization conference in Vancouver.
Hank Childs organized the tutorial, along with Ken Moreland of Sandia,
David Pugmire of Oak Ridge, and Robert Maynard of Kitware.
Further, CDUX Ph.D. students Abhishek Yenpure and Samuel Schwartz served
as tutorial assistants, including preparing materials (slides, code examples,
wiki pages, and virtual machine).
The tutorial was well attended, with approximately 50 attendees throughout.
August 7, 2019
Visualization Outreach at CEED Annual Meeting
Hank Childs and CDUX alum Matt Larsen both presented today
at the CEED Annual Meeting at the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, VA.
CEED is an exascale co-design center focusing on delivering higher-order
element technology to simulation codes, specifically those that
are part of the Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Project.
Hank presented an overview of the ECP visualization strategy, including
the VTK-m and Ascent projects, and Matt presented an overview of
his DevilRay renderer for higher order elements.
July 30-August 1, 2019
CDUX Members Attend VTK-m Hackathon
CDUX team members Abhishek Yenpure and Hank Childs participated
in the hackathon
for the VTK-m project.
The hackathon was a 2.5 day event, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Hank gave a tutorial to attendees on VTK-m, and also worked on
extending VTK-m with mesh quality metrics.
Abhishek focused on honing VTK-m's particle advection code, along with frequent
CDUX collaborator Dave Pugmire.
Feb 11-15, 2019
Shonan Meeting on Visualization Software
Hank Childs was a co-organizer of
a week-long Shonan Meeting
on visualization software
in Kanagawa, Japan.
The seminar's other co-organizers were Takayuki Itoh, Michael Krone, and Guido Reina.
The seminar's focus was on understanding the research challenges behind
visualization software systems, as well as fostering closer connections
between disparate development groups.
January 22, 2019
Dagstuhl Report Released on In Situ Visualization for Computational Science
The Dagstuhl report
was released today
for the July 2018 seminar titled In Situ Visualization for Computational Science.
Hank Childs was a co-organizer of the seminar, along with Janine Bennett, Christoph Garth, and Bernd Hentschel.
The seminar was made up of participants with expertise in visualization, high-performance computing, and computational science.
January 17, 2019
In Situ Visualization Tutorial at Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting
Hank Childs led a tutorial at the Exascale Computing Project's Annual Meeting
Two thirds of the time was spent presenting on Ascent, with materials
from CDUX alum Matt Larsen, Hank, and LLNL's Cyrus Harrison.
The remainder of the time was spent describing algorithms being
developed by in situ processing (Hank), VTK-m (Sandia's Ken Moreland),
and Cinema (LANL's David Rogers).
July 1-6, 2018
Schloss Dagstuhl On In Situ Visualization for Computational Science
Hank Childs was a co-organizer of
a week-long seminar
at Schloss Dagstuhl on
In Situ Visualization for Computational Science
in Wadern, Germany.
The seminar's other co-organizers were Janine Bennett, Christoph Garth, and Bernd Hentschel.
The seminar's focus was on bringing together three communities: visualization experts, HPC experts, and computational scientists.
April 25, 2018
Roba Binyahib Presents at DOECGF 2018
Roba Binyahib presented her recent research results at
the Department of Energy Computer Graphics Forum (DOECGF)
in Savannah, GA.
She presented her work on parallel ray-casted volume rendering for
unstructured meshes, which was recently accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions
on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
March 8, 2018
Hank Childs Gives Presentation for OMSI
Hank Childs presented a talk for OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)
as part of their Science Pub series.
With this series, a scientific expert presents a topic on to a general
Hank's talk was titled
Your Computer: Just How Powerful Is it, and Is That Enough?."
September 25, 2017
Hank Childs (Program Co-Chair) and Kristi Belcher (Student Program Chair) to
Help Organize EGPGV18
Hank Childs will serve as Program Co-Chair for the 18th EuroGraphics Symposium on
Parallel Graphics and Visualization, which will be co-located with
EuroVis in Brno, Czech Republic
in June 2018.
Ph.D. student Kristi Belcher will serve as the Student Program Chair.
June 21, 2017
ISC High Performance Conference
Hank Childs gave an invited presentation at the
ISC High Performance Conference
in Frankfurt, Germany today.
The talk was part of a session on High Performance Visualization,
organized by Chris Johnson of the University of Utah.
The speakers were Hank, Chris, and Ingo Wald of Intel.
Hank's presentation focused on in situ processing, including
challenges with fitting within simulation code constraints and
with efficient programming, and opportunities resulting from increased
data access.
May 22, 2017
Keynote Presentation at IXPUG Workshop
Hank Childs delivered the keynote presentation at the
Software-Defined Visualization Workshop
in Austin, TX.
The event was hosted by TACC, and was part of a series of
workshops known as IXPUG: the Intel Xeon Phi Users Group.
Hank's talk was titled "State of the Art for In Situ Visualization."
April 4-6, 2017
CDUX Hosts 3rd Annual VTK-m Code Sprint
August 30, 2016
Smoky Mountains Conference
Hank Childs gave an invited presentation at the
Smoky Mountains Conference (SMC16)
in Gatlinburg, TN this week.
The presentation focused on in situ processing, including
challenges with efficient programming and opportunities resulting from increased
data access.
Hank also visited Oak Ridge Lab and UT-Knoxville to
deliver invited talks and
meet with collaborators.
Hank met with Dave Pugmire and CDUX Ph.D. student James Kress,
who has been doing his dissertation research at ORNL.
Hank met with Prof. Jian Huang and CDUX alum
(and now UTK Ph.D. student) Kirsten Dawes.
June 23, 2016
Keynote Presentation at ISC In Situ Workshop
Hank Childs delivered one of the keynote presentations at the
ISC High Performance
Workshop on In Situ Visualization
in Frankfurt, Germany.
The presentation was titled "In Situ Processing: Instantiations, Opportunities, and Challenges,"
and focused on work from the
In Situ Terminology Project,
Lagrangian flows, and
performance modeling.
June 16-17, 2016
Short Course for Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum
Hank Childs taught a 2-day short course for the
Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum, a virtual center of
five Flemish universities.
The course, titled
Visualization with VTK and VisIt,
took place in Leuven, Belgium, on the KU Leuven campus.
November 15-20, 2015
CDUX at SC15
CDUX participated in many activities at the SC15 conference:
September 15, 2015
International Computing for the Atmospheric Sciences Symposium
Hank Childs gave an invited presentation at the
International Computing for the Atmospheric Sciences Symposium (iCAS2015)
in Annecy, France today.
The presentation focused on exascale visualization issues, including
upcoming drivers for in situ processing, and ideas for transforming
and reducing data for later exploration, such as wavelet compression
and Lagrangian particle tracers.
September 1-2, 2015
VTK-m Code Sprint
June 15-19, 2015
Hartree Centre Summer School on Visualization
Hank Childs and Hamish Carr led a summer school on visualization in Warrington, England. The course was part of the Hartree Centre's Summer School series. The school consisted of five days of lectures and hands on exercises. Hank presented material for two of the five days, including exercises on parallel visualization. Other presenters were Robert Laramee of Swansea, David Pugmire of Oak Ridge, and Valerio Pascucci of the University of Utah.
May 15, 2015
Kristi Potter to Lead Workshop at IEEE Visualization 2015
Kristi Potter and her colleagues were notified that their workshop proposal at IEEE Visualization 2015 was accepted.
The workshop is titled "Visualization for Decision Making Under Uncertainty" and will be held in October in Chicago, IL.
March 19, 2015
Supercomputing Frontiers Conference
Hank Childs traveled to Singapore to deliver an invited presentation,
titled "Data Exploration at the Exascale,"
at the Supercomputing Frontiers Conference.
Hank also delivered a second talk, titled
"Exascale Visualization: Why Portable Performance Will Change
Visualization Software," on behalf of collaborator Ken Moreland of
Sandia Lab.
November 17-22 2014
Intel Booth Demo at SC14
July 13-18, 2014
Hartree Summer School on Visualization
Hank Childs and Hamish Carr led a summer school on visualization for the Hartree Centre in Warrington, England. The school consisted of five days of lectures and hands on exercises. Hank presented material for two of the five days, including exercises on parallel visualization.
June 1-6, 2014
Schloss Dagstuhl
Hank Childs and Kristi Potter both participated in a week-long seminar
at Schloss Dagstuhl on
Scientific Visualization
in Wadern, Germany.
Hank presented on the topic of exascale visualization, and Kristi presented on uncertainty visualization.
March 25-26, 2014
EU Regional School in Aachen
Hank Childs taught a short course titled
Visualization and Analysis of Very Large Data for the EU Regional School being held in Aachen, Germany. Hank also gave invited talks at RWTZ-Aachen and the Julich Supercomputing Centre (JSC).
February 3, 2014
Oregon State Visit
Kristi Potter gave a colloquium talk at
the School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at Oregon
State University on the visualization
of statistical uncertainty. In addition to the talk, she also
spent the day meeting with faculty and staff.
January 5-10, 2014
Schloss Dagstuhl
Hank Childs participated in a week-long seminar
at Schloss Dagstuhl on
Connecting Performance Analysis and Visualization to Advance Extreme Scale Computing
in Wadern, Germany.
Hank presented material on the lessons learned from scientific visualization, how
these lessons might benefit performance visualization, and motivated the presentation
by describing some of his experiences visualizing the performance of his own programs.
November 18, 2013
VisIt Tutorial at SC13
Hank Childs participated in the tutorial
Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis using VisIt
at the SC13 conference in Denver, CO.
The tutorial was organized by Cyrus Harrison
of Lawrence Livermore.
This was the fourth tutorial on VisIt presented at the SC conference.
October 21, 2013
Hank Childs to Serve as Papers Co-Chair for LDAV 2014
Hank Childs will serve as Papers Co-Chair for the 4th IEEE Symposium on
Large Data Analysis and Visualization, which will be co-located with IEEE Vis Week in Paris, France
in November of 2014.
Renato Pajarola
and Venkat Vishwanath
will also serve as Papers Co-Chairs.
October 17, 2013
Panel at IEEE Visualization 2013
Hank Childs organized and participated in a
panel at the
IEEE Visualization conference in
Atlanta, GA.
The panel, titled "Challenges for Scientific Visualization Software," focused on challenges such
as programming models for future architectures, maximizing performance for future architectures, application architecture and data management, data models, and rendering.
The panel was inspired by the paper
Hank and others wrote for Computer Magazine in May of 2013.
October 16, 2013
James Kress Selected as Member of Graduate Student Advisory Board
James Kress was selected to be a member of the Graduate Student Advisory Board on campus. The mission of the board is to help the Graduate School create a supportive community for graduate
students, provide workshops that enhance the quality of the graduate experience, and identify and share resources for professional development. This board consists of 25 members representing all of the schools on campus, of which he is one of only two from the STEM fields, and the only one for computer science. This will be a recurring position for the next five years.
September 11, 2013
Keynote Presentation at VMV 2013
Hank Childs delivered one of the keynote presentations at the
18th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2013),
held in Lugano, Switzerland.
The presentation was titled "Hybrid Parallelism For Visualization" and discussed Hank's recent research on the topic
and its connection to exascale visualization.
April 22-25, 2013
Department of Energy Computer Graphics Forum
Hank Childs served as the site chair for the Department of Energy
Computer Graphics Forum.
The meeting, which was attended by approximately thirty Department of Energy visualization experts,
was held at the Benson Hotel in Portland, OR, and was organized by UO.
April 15-17, 2013
KAUST Visualization Summit
Hank Childs delivered an invited presentation at the
KAUST Visualization Summit,
held on the KAUST campus in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
Hank presented an overview of the challenges for exascale visualization.