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Note: we are behind on getting the website updated for 2021. Many good happenings, including 8 publications and 3 Best Paper awards.

September 16, 2020
Yuya Kawakami Joins CDUX as M.S. Student
We are excited to welcome Yuya Kawakami, who joins CDUX as an M.S. student today. Yuya completed his B.S. in computer science at Grinnell College in Iowa in May 2020. Yuya has significant HPC expertise, including multiple internships at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and working with Hank this past summer researching in situ triggers.
September 15, 2020
Hank Childs Promoted to Full Professor
Hank Childs has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor. This promotion is based on his performance since being promoted to Associate Professor in September 2015. During this time, Hank averaged publishing ten papers per year (85% of which were first-authored by a CDUX student), advised fourteen completed theses (seven Ph.D., four M.S., and three B.S.), served as Director of Graduate Studies, and organized Dagstuhl and Shonan workshops, among other activities.
June 4, 2020
Kristi Belcher Defends M.S. Thesis and Joins Lawrence Livermore
Congratulations to Kristi Belcher who successfully defended her M.S. thesis today! Her thesis, titled "Efficient Parallel Particle Advection via Targeting Devices," considered how to optimize performance by adaptively choosing between the CPU and GPU. Kristi will begin a position at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in June. She will be working on developing Umpire, a resource management library that allows the discovery, provision, and management of memory on machines with multiple memory devices like NUMA and GPUs.
March 15, 2019
Sam Schwartz to Join CDUX as Ph.D. Student in Fall 2019
We are excited to welcome Sam Schwartz, who will join CDUX as a Ph.D. student in Fall 2019. Samuel will complete an M.S. in Mathematics at Utah State University later this term. Sam has had varied experiences in his path to joining a computer science Ph.D. program, including teaching English for a Chilean high school.
June 18, 2018
Theses, M.S Degrees, and Employment for Manish Mathai and Garrett Morrison
Congratulations to both Manish Mathai and Garrett Morrison for three-fold accomplishments: completing their theses, completing their M.S. degrees, and lining up employment.
  • Manish's thesis was titled "A Tile-Based Approach For Photo-Realistic Volume Rendering." His next position will be at Microsoft Corporation in Bellevue, WA. He will be working on Teams, a communication platform for small to large groups of people.
  • Garrett's thesis was titled "On the Performance of Line Integral Convolution in a Distributed-Memory Parallel Setting." His next position will be as an intern at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, CA. He will be working with Harsh Bhatia on VisIt rendering issues.
May 21, 2018
Valentin Bruder Begins Three Month Visit
We are excited to welcome Ph.D. student Valentin Bruder from the VIS group at Stuttgart University. Valentin will visit us for three months, and we will collaborate on performance modeling for scientific visualization.
April 3, 2018
Steven Walton to Join CDUX as Ph.D. Student in Fall 2018
We are excited to welcome Steven Walton, who has agreed to join CDUX as a Ph.D. student in Fall 2018. Steven previously completed his B.S. at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), receiving a degree in Space Physics. He then worked at Glover-Taylor Labs LLC, where he led and performed research in a NASA Phase I STTR project that led to Phase II funding.
January 22, 2018
Abhishek Yenpure to Join CDUX as Ph.D. Student
Abhishek Yenpure has converted from an M.S. student to a Ph.D. student. Abhishek was a CDUX member as an M.S. student, and will continue with CDUX as a Ph.D. student. He will be exploring flow visualization on exascale machines for his dissertation research. Welcome (again) Abhishek!
April 8, 2017
Kristi Belcher, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, To Join CDUX as Ph.D. Student in Fall 2017
We are excited to welcome Kristi Belcher, who has agreed to join CDUX as a Ph.D. student in Fall 2017. Kristi previously completed her B.S. at Texas State University, where she worked with Dr. Martin Burtscher as part of the Efficient Computing Laboratory. Her work culminated in a thesis, "Multi-GPU Parallelization of Irregular Algorithms." Further, we congratulate Kristi on winning an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. These fellowships are extremely competitive, and provide Kristi with three years of funding. Great job Kristi, and we are very glad that you will be joining the team!!
March 24, 2017
Kristi Potter Takes Scientist Position at NREL
Congratulations to Kristi Potter who has accepted a scientist position at NREL working with Kenny Gruchalla. Kristi joined CDUX as a Co-Director in September 2013, in addition to her campus-wide role as a visualization evangelist. We will miss her and wish her the best in her new position.
January 9, 2017
M.S. Students Abhishek Yenpure and Garrett Morrison Join CDUX
Two M.S. students, Abhishek Yenpure and Garrett Morrison, have joined our team. Abhishek joins us from us from Pune, India, after spending three years in industry. He will be working on parallel particle advection in VTK-m. Garrett had already been with CDUX previously, first as an undergrad researcher and then as a staff member. As an M.S. student, he will be optimizing VisIt for the Xeon Phi for our Intel Parallel Computing Center. Welcome Abhishek and welcome back Garrett!!
September 15, 2016
Undergrad Researcher Garrett Morrison Graduates, Becomes CDUX Staff
Congratulations to undergrad researcher Garrett Morrison, who graduated and received his Bachelor of Science. Garrett has worked as a CDUX undergrad researcher since Winter 2016. During that time, he worked on the GraviT ray-tracing project and the VisIt visualization program. Garrett will continue with CDUX, working as a staff member. He hopes to start as an MS student at UO in 2017.
June 13, 2016
Undergrad Researcher Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael Completes Thesis, Graduates
Undergrad researcher Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael (TAJO) graduated today, receiving his Bachelor of Science. TAJO has worked as a CDUX undergrad researcher since Fall of 2015. During that time, he completed an undergrad thesis titled "Evaluating Spatiotemporal Search Structures for Lagrangian Basis Flows." TAJO will next head to an internship at Lawrence Livermore, advised by Timo Bremer, and then will go to the Ph.D. program at the University of Utah, advised by Mike Kirby. Congratulations TAJO!!
April 15, 2016
Undergrad Researcher Kirsten Dawes Graduates, to Attend UT Ph.D. Program in Fall 2016
Undergrad researcher Kirsten Dawes graduated with her BS from UO in March, and will begin as a Ph.D. student at the University of Tennessee in the Fall. In the interim, she will continue working with CDUX, now as a staff member. Kirsten has worked on the Intel Parallel Computing Center project for the last two years, and will continue doing so for the next five months. Congratulations Kirsten!!
April 1, 2016
Undergrad Researcher Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael to Enroll as Ph.D. Student at the University of Utah
Undergrad researcher Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael (TAJO) has been accepted to the Ph.D. program at the University of Utah and will enroll there after graduation from UO. He will be working with Mike Kirby. Congratulations TAJO!!
March 15, 2016
Sudhanshu Sane to Join CDUX as Ph.D. Student
M.S. student Sudhanshu Sane has accepted an offer to begin as a CDUX Ph.D. student in Fall 2016. Sudhanshu is already a CDUX member, as an M.S. student. He will be exploring efficient flow visualization for his dissertation research. Welcome (again) Sudhanshu!
February 1, 2016
Ph.D. Student Nicole Marsaglia Joins CDUX
Ph.D. student Nicole Marsaglia has joined our team. Nicole is in the middle of her second year as a Ph.D. student. Nicole is still deciding on her research topic, but is leaning toward in situ compression. Welcome Nicole!
January 4, 2016
M.S. Student Sudhanshu Sane Joins CDUX
M.S. student Sudhanshu Sane has joined our team. Sudhanshu is in the middle of his second year as an M.S. student, and he plans to transition into the Ph.D. program in Fall '16. Sudhanshu is still deciding on his research topic, but is leaning towards flow visualization. Welcome Sudhanshu!
September 25, 2015
M.S. Student Vincent Chen Joins CDUX
M.S. student Vincent Chen has joined our team. Vincent comes to us from the University of Toronto. He has previously participated in research on 3D scanning and printing. Vincent will be working on techniques for ray-tracing for scientific visualization. Welcome Vincent!
September 21, 2015
Undergraduate Researcher Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael Joins CDUX
Undergraduate student Ouermi Timbwaoga Aime Judicael (TAJO) has officially joined CDUX, after spending this past summer doing research with our team. TAJO is researching interpolation of Lagrangian particle tracers. He is double majoring in computer science and physics. Welcome TAJO!
September 16, 2015
M.S. Student Hang Xu Joins CDUX
M.S. student Hang Xu has joined our team. Hang has been at UO for two years, and plans to transition into the Ph.D. program. Hang will research visualization techniques on the Intel Xeon Phi in the context of the VisIt visualization program, with foci on cache usage and vector utilization. Welcome Hang!
June 1, 2015
Hank Childs Promoted to Associate Professor
Hank was promoted to Associate Professor and has been granted indefinite tenure. The promotion has been announced by the Department, and will take effect on September 15, 2015.
May 20, 2015
Stephanie Labasan and Ryan Bleile Awarded Lawrence Graduate Scholar Fellowship
Two CDUX Ph.D. students, Ryan Bleile and Stephanie Labasan, have received Lawrence Graduate Scholar Fellowships. This Fellowship is highly competitive and this is thought to be the first time that two awards went to members of the same research group. The fellowship will fund the remainder of their Ph.D.'s, and both students will relocate to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to work with co-advisors at LLNL. Stephanie's proposal, "Optimal Power Scheduling for Visualization on Supercomputers" was sponsored by Barry Rountree and Peer-Timo Bremer. Ryan's proposal, "Simulating Monte Carlo Nuclear Particle Transport On Advanced Computing Architectures" was sponsored by Patrick Brantley and Matthew O'Brien.
January 26, 2015
Ph.D. Student Brent Lessley Joins CDUX
Ph.D. student Brent Lessley has joined our team. Brent had previously focused on machine learning and he plans to research directions at the intersection of Big Data, machine learning, and scientific visualization. Brent will initially study many-core visualization in the VTK-m library.
December 16, 2014
Farewell to Erik Anderson
We wish Erik Anderson all the best, as he relocates from Eugene to Boston for his job at EGI. We will continue our collaboration on tractography visualization with Erik remotely.
June 17, 2014
Ph.D. Student Roba Binyahib Joins CDUX
Roba Binyahib has officially joined CDUX. Roba's interests are in visualization of large data sets. She previously completed a M.S. degree at KAUST, and worked for Saudi Aramco.
June 17, 2014
Undergraduate Researchers Kirsten Dawes and Elliott Ewing Join CDUX
Kirsten Dawes and Elliott Ewing joined CDUX. They will work as part of the Intel Parallel Computing Center, optimizing the VisIt visualization tool for the Intel Xeon Phi.
April 7, 2014
Jordan Weiler Accepts Offer to Join Emberex After graduation
CDUX member Jordan Weiler has accepted an offer to join Emberex in Eugene, OR as a full-time developer after his June graduation. He will be supporting a large project involved with Cengage Learning.
December 16, 2013
Ph.D. Student Matthew Larsen Joins CDUX
CIS Ph.D. student Matthew Larsen joined CDUX today. Matt is passionate about computer graphics and will work on the GraviT ray-tracing project.
September 16, 2013
Students Arrive!
Three of our incoming Ph.D. students -- James Kress, Stephanie Labasan, and Ryan Bleile -- began at UO and their research with CDUX today. We also welcomed second year Master's student, Jordan Weiler. Our fourth incoming Ph.D. student, Samuel Li, arrived in June and has already begun his research.
August 1, 2013
Erik Anderson Joins CDUX
We are pleased to announce that Erik Anderson will help direct the CDUX research group. Erik recently moved to Eugene to research issues with medical visualization at Electrical Geodesics, Inc., and also will have a courtesy faculty appointment in the CIS Department. Erik received his Ph.D. in 2011 from the University of Utah.
June 17, 2013
Kristi Potter Officially Joins UO and CDUX
Kristi Potter has finally joined us at the University of Oregon. She will work as the visualization evangelist for the UO campus as part of CASSPR and also will have a courtesy faculty appointment in the CIS Department. Kristi will also help direct the CDUX research group. Hank heavily recruited Kristi to take the job, and said that they would form a research group together (CDUX). She received her Ph.D. in 2010 from the University of Utah.
April 15, 2013
Four Ph.D. Students Commit to CDUX
All four Ph.D. offers made by the CDUX team were accepted. We are excited to welcome (in order of acceptance):
  • James Kress, outstanding computer science graduate from Boise State University.
  • Samuel Li, who received an M.S. from Tufts University working with Remco Chang.
  • Ryan Bleile, outstanding computer science graduate from the University of the Pacific.
  • Stephanie Labasan, outstanding computer engineering graduate from the University of the Pacific.
March 1, 2013
Hank Childs Starts at UO
Hank Childs has joined the University of Oregon, as an assistant professor. He will be shared with the visualization group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he was worked since 2009. He leaves UC Davis, where he worked with the IDAV research group, also since 2009. Prior to that, Hank worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from 1999 to 2009.